środa, 1 czerwca 2011

Basic space

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKe9um0gCWc !!! mega!

Czesc czesc! Dostalam fotke z ostatniego spacerku od przyjaciólki, wrzucilam na lookbooka, wiec pomyslalam, ze tutaj tez sie nia podziele :))

green leggins - gift

shoes - cheap shop with shoes lol

dress - gift (but h&m hahah)

hat - h&m

bag - DIY

jacket - oh my dunno, I have it so long that I don't really remember!

foto swiezo po farbowaniu wlosow na kolor, ktory mial byc rudym ;///. Tak oto teraz zamiast dalej plawic sie w delikatnej rudosci jestem brazowo-czerwono-rudo-niewiadomojaka! No trudno, tak juz z tymi farbami jest :D

Kapelusz z h&mu! Jest mega wygodny i trzyma sie glowy i pasuje do prawie wszyztkiegooo, no coz, powiem krotko, zakochalam sie w nim i moglabym go nosic codziennie <3 gdyby nie to, ze zrobilo sie juz dosc gorąco lol! A jak go kupilam to o nim zapomnialam i przelezal pare miesiecy kurzac sie na wieszaku hihihi :D

pozdrawiam, Kasia!

Hi hi! I got photo from last walk from my friend, I uploaded it on lookbook and nw I'm sharing it with you as well haha!

Photo taken just after dying my hair to the color with was supposed to be ginger ;//. So now, instead of being subtle ginger I am brown-red-ginger-IDON'TKNOW lol! Well, stuff like that happens sometime, you now this dyes! :D

Hat from h&m! It's reeeaaally comfortable, sticks to head and suits almost anything! Well, I'm in love with it and I could wear it everyday <3 if not for summer haha! And to think that when I bought it I forgot about it almost immediately and for several months it was dusting on the rack hahha :D

xxo, Kasia!

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